Breath of Fire: A Tool for Energy and Self-Control

“We can develop mental self-control through regulated and conscious breathing. When blood oxygen levels are higher, brain activity increases.” SuperHealth

Like the name suggests, Breath of Fire is powerful, activating and generates some heat. It is a foundational breathing technique in Kundalini Yoga – recognized as a complete practice on its own and recommended as daily pranayama.

A common element in most Kundalini Yoga classes, Breath of Fire accompanies many postures and is included in numerous kriyas. 

Man with a beard wearing a white turban and white shirt doing Archer Pose from Kundalini Yoga

Outside of class, it can be a go-to tool for increasing energy, boosting oxygen levels and staying alert. Consider afternoon business meetings – just a few minutes of Breath of Fire before a meeting can help one avoid heavy eyelids, yawning and, worst of all, nodding off in front of colleagues.

It also helps suppress cravings and compulsive habits, as well as eliminate toxins. In SuperHealth training, Breath of Fire is among several breathing techniques recommended to people who are struggling with self-defeating behaviors. 

Learning Breath of Fire

Breath of Fire can be done sitting, standing, lying on your back – it can go with you anywhere and be called upon to help at any time.

It is a rapid, balanced inhale and exhale through the nose, while pumping the navel in tune with the breath. A simple way to teach Breath of Fire to new students is to ask them to pant, like a dog – mouth open and tongue out. The navel automatically pumps in and out. This panting breath is, itself, a detoxifying practice.

After a minute, close the mouth and continue rapidly breathing through the nose, while pumping the navel.* Gradually build the practice until you can comfortably manage three minutes or more of Breath of Fire. 

Outside of Kundalini Yoga, Breath of Fire is respected and employed. Athletes will use it to quickly open the lungs. For people working in cold climates or who enjoy outdoor winter recreation, Breath of Fire helps generate heat and provides a boost of energy.

Read more about Breath of Fire in Healing Addictive Behavior, available through SuperHealth.

SuperHealth technology stresses the importance of conscious breathwork, which serves to decrease physical and emotional reactions to stress, develop inner strength and build defences against addictive and self-harming tendencies.

*Women who are pregnant or experiencing their menstrual cycle are advised to avoid pumping the navel.

Mukta Khalsa